Powering The Uncelebrated Innovation.

We have the initiative to spur entrepreneurship across emerging global economies and uplift the people around the world through it.


Creating the next big Dream startup

We believe that entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of progress, and we exist to help them achieve their potential for a better world by supercharging their vision.

Where we invest ?

Great ideas can literally come from anywhere in the world. This means beyond Silicon Valley, even beyond the developed countries. Hence, we aim at creating opportunities in neglected communities across the globe which incorporates emerging nations, youth and women.

Our Mission

Nath Family Trust Fund envisages building a robust Start-up ecosystem in the emerging economies across the world, for nurturing innovation and providing opportunities to budding entrepreneurs who in turn will help in creating companies that will fundamentally shift the way we live today.

Our Investment Philosophy

We believe in active, engaged, and responsible investment management that drives entrepreneurs towards more socially responsible, ethical, and sustainable practices.




Pushing The Limits Of Those, Who Dare To Dream!

We invest in brave hearts with the wildest of ideas, right at the Inception.

Nurturing Youth Entrepreneurship

We are also introducing, Youth Entrepreneurship at school and college levels across the globe which will ignite young minds to understand and wake up to an unlimited and undreamt of possibilities that they have in becoming the future leaders of the world.

We Support WE

At Nath Family Trust Fund we are taking steps to support Women Entrepreneurship from investing in female founders to celebrating budding female leaders of the future.

What we look for.

We are ALL IN if you have either of it, a combination of it or all of it.






We Invest in the wild hearts with the wildest of ideas, right at the beginning.

  • checkWe are your biggest supporters
  • checkWe are enablers
  • checkWe are extended families
  • checkWe do not teach

We work with the bold on big ideas.

We pave the way for big, bold ideas and we're proud to be fuelling up this innovative spirit. It's a journey that starts with big ideas, but that's just the beginning. It requires a commitment to do whatever it takes to move forward. A commitment to share, to learn and to grow. It's a commitment we make everyday and therefore we're looking for world-class founders attacking large markets and solving real life problems who are ready to join us.

The Approval Process.


Fill in the google form


Application goes to our Membership Committee


Committee Review collbrative information, applicant affiliations, and investment accreditation.


If your idea and vision really has the potential to transform the world, We'll help you turn it into reality.

Calling in visionary builders and entrepreneurs!